Columbus Investor Loans

Fix & Flip

  • Up To $1MM
  • 6 Months
  • 1-4 Family
  • Non-Owner Occupied

Buy and Hold

  • Up To $1MM
  • 5, 20, 30 Year Options
  • 1-4 Family
  • Non-Owner Occupied


  • Up To $1MM
  • 20 Years
  • 1-4 Family
  • Non-Owner Occupied

Columbus Fix & Flip Loan Packages

Fix & Flip A Fix & Flip B Fix & Flip C
1-4 Family, Non-Owner Occupied
6 Month Term, Interest-Only Payments
LLC Ownership Only
Up To 1MM Loan Size Up To 750K Loan Size Up To 750K Loan Size
740+ Credit Score 680-739 Credit Score 600-679 Credit Score
70% LTV 70% LTV  70% LTV
90% LTC (must bring 10% of contract to closing) 90% LTC (must bring 10% of contract to closing) 90% LTC (must bring 10% of contract to closing)
25% of Rehab Cash on Hand Required 25% of Rehab Cash on Hand Required 25% of Rehab Cash on Hand Required
2.75 Points at Closing 3.5 Points at Closing 4 Points at Closing

Columbus Rental Loan Packages

5 Year Rental

5/20 Rental A 5/20 Rental B 5/20 Rental C
1-4 Family, Non-Owner Occupied
5 Year Balloon Payment, 20 Year Amortization
Fixed Rate Loan
LLC Ownership Only
Up To 1MM Loan Size Up To 1MM Loan Size Up To 1MM Loan Size
740+ Credit Score 680-739 Credit Score 600-679 Credit Score
70% LTV 70% LTV  70% LTV
100% LTC 100% LTC  100% LTC
1.35 Minimum DSCR 1.35 Minimum DSCR 1.35 Minimum DSCR
2.75 % at Closing 3.5 % at Closing 4 % at Closing


20 Year Rental

20/20 Rental A 20/20 Rental B 20/20 Rental C
1-4 Family, Non-Owner Occupied
No Balloon Payment, 20 Year Amortization
36-Month Adjustable Rate Mortgage
LLC Ownership Only
Up To 1MM Loan Size Up To 1MM Loan Size Up To 1MM Loan Size
740+ Credit Score 680-739 Credit Score 600-679 Credit Score
70% LTV 70% LTV  70% LTV
100% LTC 100% LTC  100% LTC
1.35 Minimum DSCR 1.35 Minimum DSCR 1.35 Minimum DSCR
2.75 % at Closing 3.5 % at Closing 4 % at Closing

30 Year Rental

30/30 Rental A 30/30 Rental B 30/30 Rental C
1-4 Family, Non-Owner Occupied
No Balloon Payment, 30 Year Amortization
36-Month Adjustable Rate Mortgage
LLC Ownership Only
Up To 1MM Loan Size Up To 1MM Loan Size Up To 1MM Loan Size
740+ Credit Score 680-739 Credit Score 600-679 Credit Score
70% LTV 70% LTV  70% LTV
100% LTC 100% LTC  100% LTC
1.35 Minimum DSCR 1.35 Minimum DSCR 1.35 Minimum DSCR
2.75 % at Closing 3.5 % at Closing 4 % at Closing

Columbus Wrapable Loan Packages

20/20 Wrapable A 20/20 Wrapable B 20/20 Wrapable C
1 Unit Single Family, Non-Owner Occupied
No Balloon Payment, 20 Year Amortization
Fixed Rate Mortgage
LLC Ownership Only
Up To 1MM Loan Size Up To 1MM Loan Size Up To 1MM Loan Size
740+ Credit Score 680-739 Credit Score 600-679 Credit Score
70% LTV 70% LTV  70% LTV
100% LTC 100% LTC  100% LTC
1.35 Minimum DSCR 1.35 Minimum DSCR 1.35 Minimum DSCR
2.75 % at Closing 3.5 % at Closing 4 % at Closing

Resources for Real Estate Investors