Hard Money Lending vs. Crowdfunding: A Realty Test


Real estate investing can turn a substantial return when investors understand market trends and demographics and have a good understanding of what will make a good investment property. Investing in real estate requires capital, which is not always readily available, especially when you’re beginning the investment process.

Fortunately, there are different ways you can obtain this capital. Two popular methods for obtaining investment funds are with crowdfunding and hard money loans. Here’s what you need to know about these two methods of obtaining capital.

Basics of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding requires the investor to raise money in different amounts from a number of people. This can include funds from family and friends, but for real estate investing it usually involves soliciting funds from numerous accredited investors on the internet. These accredited investors are dedicated to the real estate world and understand property values.

To be accredited, they meet certain income requirements and have a minimum net worth value, depending on the crowdfunding campaign. The funds raised in the campaign are used like any other capital to purchase and build value in real estate. The loan from crowdfunding may or may not be secured.

Basics of Hard Money Lending

Hard money lending is a short-term loan that’s secured by the purchaser’s real estate. This type of loan differs from loans typically offered by banks because it’s quicker to obtain than a typical loan and has fewer qualification criteria as well. Since property is used as collateral, the value will help determine how much capital you can obtain as well as the interest rate that’s charge for the life of the loan. Only a certain percentage of the property’s value can be given out as a loan. Hard money loans are easier to obtain because credit history typically doesn’t factor into the lending process.

Hard money loans

Pros and Cons of Crowdfunding

One of the most obvious benefits of crowdfunding is the ability to contact numerous investors online. That means you’ll get a lot of feedback and the potential for funds if they agree with your concept and feel like it has the potential for a big return. You can save time pitching your idea to numerous investors at the same time instead of approaching lenders individually. You’ll also have the ability to promote your campaign on social media when using crowdfunding sites.

The downside of crowdfunding is that there may be a large minimum to participate on the platform, so it may be difficult to raise money for smaller projects. In addition, it may take a good portion of the year to find funding for your project, or you may not end up securing funding at all.

Pros and Cons of Hard Money Loans

Hard money loans are beneficial because you can obtain loans of differing values, whether you’re a first-time investor looking for a small loan or are experienced and looking to finance a large-scale project. Unlike the impersonal nature of crowdfunding, hard money loans make it possible for you to build a relationship with a lender so that you can get loans quickly later on. Hard money loans are also a fast way to get capital.

It’s important to note that hard money loans carry a higher interest rate because they’re short-term (usually only a year or two) with the assumption that you’ll be selling your investment for a profit rather quickly. For more information about hard money loans, contact Investor Loan Source today.